太空系列作品中以宏觀角度描繪我們身處地球、宇宙,開拓出無邊無際的視野,他源源不斷的靈感來自對大自然的感動,對日、月、地球的著迷,畫面表現極端遼闊引起的內省靜默,正如劉國松所言「宇宙即我心」,其創作空間仍不斷地在擴延。2000年前往西藏體驗雪域感受,隨後創作西藏組曲系列,更是活用自身發明之「抽筋剝皮」、「拼貼噴墨」等技法,將雪山的雄奇壯麗、終年冰雪的寂寥沉靜表現得恰如其分,景色渾厚蒼茫似乎就在眼前衝擊觀者的視覺,令人不禁臣服於這股全然而又華美的氣勢。隨後至九寨溝旅遊,創作水色夢幻的九寨溝系列,波光水影層疊繽紛,藉由描圖紙不透水之特性相互交融而來,水的靜謐深沉、清逸靈秀,自畫面中延伸,從中一窺九寨溝四季容貌的萬千變化,所謂人間仙境並非只可遇而不可求,在劉氏畫作中見證世上真有此絕勝美地。 |
In July 2010, Modern Art gallery brings you exhibition of Liu Kuo-Sung, a modern Chinese ink painter. The exhibition will feature nearly 50 works covering the different periods, including the "Tibet Series"; one of this series is collected by the Shanghai World Expo 2010 in the VIP room of China Pavilion. In 2009, Liu Kuo-Sung gets traveling exhibitions in Hubei, Ningxia, Sichuan of China, and got good reaction. Lots of art museums collect Liu’s works including the British Museum, who collected Liu’s early “Space Series” this year.
In the process of Liu Kuo-Sung’s creation, he is always committed to innovation and developed materials techniques in order to diverse different styles of performances, and prepare to create a truly new form of belonging to the Chinese people, a new style of truly Chinese painting, "modern ink painting."
“Space Series” depicting a macroscopic point of view of the earth and the universe, open up a boundless field of vision. Liu’s inspiration comes from nature continually moving, the sun, moon and the Earth, “The Universe of My mind” is his spiritual reflection.
In 2000, Liu Kuo-Sung took advantage of an opportunity to lecture in Tibet and visited the beautiful snowy mountain. However, because he suffered from altitude sickness, he left Tibet having lost hearing in his left ear. Although he paid a high price on this trip, the unrivalled beauty of Tibet’s wintry landscapes inspired him to create the “Tibet’s Series”. He used broad brushstrockes and the ripped paper fibres technique to portray the magnificence of the Tibetan peaks; the image is strewn with broken traces of white, as if the sun is reflecting upon the white show to reveal silver serpents winding across the mountain.
“Jiuzhaigou Series” presented Liu’s colorful crystalline water, the image’s textural layers and colours weave together to create a beautiful vision of light reflecting off the trembling ripples.