Current Exhibition | 當期展覽

極與戟 - 孫破
Sohn Paa

Art Exhibition Date | 展覽展期 2020. 09. 05 - 10. 25
E-Book | 線上畫冊

  「屏住呼吸,集中精神,仔細觀察,然後將針頭壓入正確的位置。」千年以來,東方傳統醫學一直隱藏在神秘的面紗後。東方醫學專注於診斷和治療根本的根源問題上,而非治療外顯症狀,並認為每個人都有通過沉思和自我分析進行心靈修復的能力。韓國藝術家孫破(Sohn Paa)選擇以尋根的自我探究,透過「針灸」為媒介表現於繪畫和雕塑上,藉以尋求內心真理與美的境地。



  "Hold your breath, concentrate, observe closely, and press the needle into the exact point." For thousands of years, traditional Oriental medicine has been hidden behind a mysterious veil. Eastern medicine is concerned with diagnosing and treating the underlying root problem instead of treating the outer symptoms, we each possess the ability to engage in self-healing through contemplation and self-analysis, Korean artist Sohn Paa chooses to seek truth and beauty and put that on his artistic form.

  In all of Sohn’s paintings, the emphasis is on the culture of work. The manifestation and depiction of “spiritualized energy” can be seen in his works. Sohn displayed energy on his canvas through his use of acupuncture as he painted the abstract painting, not in their flatness but vibrant space, movement, and even geometric. This provides the viewer with a visual representation of energy and power. The focal point of the painting is not just placed on images but on acupuncture and their powerful relationship with humankind. This human spirit powerful energy connects to abstract art, his works reflect the insane power inspired by acupuncture which is in almost every detail of his works that mixed with this kind of ego.

  Sohn Paa born in South Korea in 1967, got Ed.M at Keimyung University and B.F.A at Kyungpook National University, living and work in Daegu. Sohn’s psychology of art is a procession of the subconscious, he communicates emotion in the works, challenges himself, and works through the emotions he sees presented in the artistic message.

  In his early career, Through various experimentations with everyday materials such as horns of a cow, nails, and knives, Sohn finally encountered the acupuncture needle. As soon as he employed it in his art, Sohn realized it was the perfect material with which to connect his inner self to the outside world. In order to accentuate its material properties, he creates a unique technique, congregated the needles on the canvas, and putting the pigment on the white space, adding depth to the flat surface of the canvas. Sohn employs a meditative approach to his work, contemplating the relationship between the body and the mind through the acupuncture needle. His works were exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 2017.

Works / 作品欣賞

Sohn Paa, N5

構成 | Composition N.5

81x21x11cm  acupuncture needle 2018

Sohn Paa, P1

運 | Penmanship 1

182x92x11cm acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, P2

運 | Penmanship 2

146x113x11cm  acupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, P9

運 | Penmanship 9

43x43x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, P4

運 | Penmanship 4

146x113x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, P5

運 | Penmanship 5

146x113x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, P7

運 | Penmanship 7

123x81x11cm  Aacupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, P3

運 | Penmanship 3

182x92x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, P10

運 | Penmanship 10

113x163x11cm  acupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, P12

運 | Penmanship 12

163x113x11cm  acupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, P13

運 | Penmanship 13

123x97x11cm  acupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, N1

構成 | Composition N.1

113x163x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa,N2

構成 | Composition N.2

163x113x11cm  acupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, P10

構成 | Composition N.3

97.5x123x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, P10

構成 | Composition N.4

118x60x10cm  acupuncture needle 2018

Sohn Paa, N6

構成 | Composition N.6

41x41x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, N8

構成 | Composition N.8

41x41x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, N9

構成 | Composition N.9

37x81x11cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, N12

構成 | Composition N12

41x118x8cm  acupuncture needle 2018

Sohn Paa, P10

構成 | Composition N13

113x163cm  acupuncture needle 2020

Sohn Paa, N14

構成 | Composition N14

163x113cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, N15

構成 | Composition N15

122x112cm  acupuncture needle 2019

Sohn Paa, N22

構成 | Composition N22

145.6x97cm  acupuncture needle 2017

Sohn Paa, N18

構成 | Composition N.18

37x81x8cm  acupuncture needle 2018

Sohn Paa, N16

構成 | Composition N.16

60x118.5x11cm  acupuncture needle 2018

Sohn Paa, Recalling

集思瓶 | Recalling

43x43x75cm  acupuncture needle 2016

Sohn Paa, Horse

駿 | Horse

50x25x54cm  acupuncture needle 2016

Sohn Paa, Book

書 | Book

32.5x23.5x6.5cm  acupuncture needle 2020

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