Absented scenery constantly arouse the emotional sensations hidden inside my mind


Using self-made charcoal and hand-made paper to deconstruct and recombine scenes within his memories, transforming them into one mystical, spiritual poem after another.


在名為抽象的小徑裡…繁花盛開,色彩斑斕,隨著愈加的深入探尋,最後所有能被稱之為景象的難被留下, 停留在身體裡的只剩下手上的觸感-

Art Works

Modern Art Gallery presents

剩景圖01|The Scenery Left Behind 1

70 x 89 x 2 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2019

剩景圖02|The Scenery Left Behind 2

70 x 89 x 2 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2019

剩景圖03|The Scenery Left Behind 3

70 x 89 x 2 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2019

繁色02|Scenery in Blooming 2

131.5 x 162 x 5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

許銘仁-繁色 03

繁色03|Scenery in Blooming 3

162 x 131.5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

繁色04|Scenery in Blooming 4

125.5 x 155 x 5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

許銘仁-繁色 06

繁色06|Scenery in Blooming 6

147 x 174 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

許銘仁-繁色 07

繁色07|Scenery in Blooming 7

147 x 174 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

許銘仁-繁色 08

繁色08|Scenery in Blooming 8

162 x 131.5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

繁色09|Scenery in Blooming 9

131.5 x 162 x 5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

繁色10|Scenery in Blooming 10

125.5 x 155 x5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

許銘仁-繁色 12

繁色12|Scenery in Blooming 12

125.5 x 155 x 5 cm 壓克力彩、鉛筆、紙漿 2020

More about HSU Ming-Jen