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Time in Between
QU Qianmei's advanced show of UNESCO 2012

〈天地時間〉瞿倩梅 法國聯合國教科文組織展


Date | 展期 2012. 3. 3 - 4. 17

  繼新加坡國際藝術博覽會再次得到熱烈反響後,鑄造美術館將於二○一二年三月三日至四月底再度攜手抽象藝術家瞿倩梅,預先展出五月底將於法國聯合國教科文組織 (UNESO)展出的一系列新作品,讓亞洲收藏家先睹為快。


自幼學習中國傳統繪畫的瞿倩梅在受到歐洲藝術的洗禮後,自成一格 - 既受各國影響又不受國界限制。在平面上創作出有如浮雕般的肌理,斷崖裂壁般的肌理表現出了瞿倩梅生命的力度,斑斕厚重的色彩卻演繹了瞿倩梅細膩的內心。正因為如此,瞿倩梅的畫作廣受各國歡迎,法國鐘錶公司LUEXSE也將推出一系列瞿倩梅為表面繪畫的藝術創作,更為收藏家量身定制畫表;將瞿倩梅2米高的畫放到手腕上,體現出一種生活與藝術的連結。LUXESE 預計於4月中旬在鑄造美術館首度發表瞿倩梅的畫表,為巴黎的展覽預先揭開序幕。



  Soon after the Singapore Art Fair 2012, the Found Museum once again is going to work with abstract artist Qu Qianmei. <Time in between>, the main exhibition of UNESO, Paris 2012 is going to have an advance show in Found Museum during March 3rd to the end of April.
Qu Qianmei spent over twenty years in France, her ups and downs in life had accomplish her works. Qu Qianmei's works are influenced but not limited by her long practice of traditional Chinese painting and her experiences of European art. The strong structure exhibited Qu's strong will for life, while the lovely color shows the softness of her heart. This is also the reason Qu's painting is so well liked international wise. LUEXSE Art Company has decided to represent Qu's painting and publish a series of high class watches with Qu's painting. Allowing the art and watch collectors to have a series of collection.

  This time, Qu Qianmei is going to take off with pride to a wider world, challenging <Time in between>, and take the audience to an incredible world.


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