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Art Taipei 2008
- Arman, Huang Hai-Yun, Huang Gang, Huang Po-Chih, Lv Shun, Xu Zhong-Min, Zou Cao


- 阿曼、黃海雲、黃鋼、黃博志、呂順、許仲敏、鄒操

Date | 展期 2008. 08 . 29- 09. 2


現代畫廊由資深策展、經紀人施力仁創立於1982年,多年來堅持推動華人藝術與國際接軌,並引薦國際知名藝術家作品至亞洲展出,早已奠定現代畫廊在台灣的口碑。2008年10月將以此國際視野,在北京建立一個以當代亞洲及中國傑出藝術家為主的優質藝術館。本屆台北藝博會推出阿曼、黃海雲、黃鋼、呂順、許仲敏、鄒操等六位藝術家。阿曼 3.6公尺 高的巨作《天神的信使》,氣勢沖天。台灣藝術家黃海雲的組合作品《旭日永昇III》揮灑奔放,充滿著強勁的秀異之氣。黃鋼兩幅巨作中近 9平方米 的《風起時》為黃鋼迄今最大的作品,袈裟透過 多重拼貼和嫁接,歷史記號和現代記號相互拼貼,通過藝術家之手,它沉默的意義重新被喚醒了。 呂順《天籟之聲》色彩搶眼亮麗、《消逝的城市》層次撲朔迷離,均為近年難得一見的精采大作。許仲敏的機械動力裝置展現強 烈 的懾人力量,給您前所未有的感官體驗。身為哲學博士的鄒操以「指紋」來改造安迪沃霍的《瑪麗蓮夢露》等藝術史名作,深見其豐富的創作底蘊內涵。從經典拓展至當代,現代畫廊將以嶄新超越的視野呈獻當代驚艷之作。


Modern Art Gallery-Open the new age of China contemporary art

Shih Li-Jen, senior curator and art agent, founded Modern Art Gallery in 1982. Through the years the gallery earned its reputation from promoting modern Chinese art and introducing the international famous artists and their works into Asia. In October 2008, there is a Gallery focusing on contemporary Asian and Chinese artist established in Beijing under the same concept. In this years Art Taipei 2008, Modern Art Gallery will present the artworks by six outstanding artists: Arman, Huang Hai-Yun, Huang Gang, L v Shun, Xu Zhong-Min, Zou Cao etc. The work DHL by Arman is an enormous sculpture that is 3.6 m high. The composed artwork , The Sun also Rises III by Taiwanese artist Huang Hai-Yun is expressive and unrestrained. Huang Gang's When the Wind is Rising is by far the greatest work of his. Through the techniques of multiple Collage on a patchwork outer vestment worn by a Buddhist monk, the historical and modern signs are juxtaposed together and the profound meaning is re-awaken by artist's handcraft. L v Shun's The Sound of Nature glitters with the eye-dazzling colours, and The Vanishing City displays multiplicate levels of tones, both of them are excellent and exceptional works. Xu Zhong-Min's mechanical dynamic installation creates powerful visual effects for the audiences to experience an ultimate sensation. The doctor of philosophy, Zou Cao appropriates the classic artwork Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol and remodifies with fingerprints, presenting a profound connotation. From classics to contemporary, Modern Art Gallery presents the audiences astonishing contemporary artworks with a brand-new vision.

