YuanBao Rhino | 犀利元寶

語音導覽 不銹鋼 470 x 180 x 220cm


 The yuanbao, a common auspicious symbol in Chinese culture that represents wealth and good fortune, has been given a new artistic interpretation by the sculptor Shih Li-Jen. In his works "The Xili" and "The Yuanbao", Li-Jen emphasizes the roundness and plumpness of the yuanbao by making his figures resemble it. However, this representation is not merely an aesthetic choice, but also conveys a philosophical message.
For instance, Liren's use of a rhinoceros horn as a material for the sculpture has symbolic significance. The horn is shaped like a thumb, with its fingerprint indicating the unbroken continuity of existence and the infinite nature of being. Thus, Li-Jen's choice of a rhinoceros horn is a tribute to life, and reflects his deep respect for it.
Moreover, the upward-pointing direction of the rhinoceros horn suggests an optimistic and affirmative attitude toward life. The horn represents a source of spiritual energy, which is portrayed as a positive force that uplifts and inspires people. By using the image of the rhinoceros horn, Li-Jen thus conveys the idea of the vitality and resilience of the human spirit.
Furthermore, Li-Jen's decision to simplify the sculpture's four legs into the shape of two tripods is also significant. In ancient China, tripods were regarded as symbols of authority and power. By using this imagery, Li-Jen implies that the yuanbao not only represents material wealth, but also signifies political and social power. Thus, the sculpture of the yuanbao supported by dual tripods is a metaphor for the harmonious interaction between material prosperity and political stability.
In summary, Li-Jen's artistic representation of the yuanbao reflects a philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness of material and spiritual prosperity, the importance of respecting life, and the enduring resilience of the human spirit.