The Reappearing King Kong Rhino

語音導覽 青銅 Bronze 148 x 80 x 60cm

  埃及有句俗話:「一切都怕時間,時間都怕金字塔」。作品外形如金字塔巨集偉壯麗,內裡也透露出古埃及人賦予金字塔的精神:誠心備至,靈魂不滅。藝術家融入犀牛具有嘉瑞之兆的神獸靈氣,又映射出獅身人面像的韻味及中國三星堆,古國文明,歷歷在目。 《金鋼再現》給人向上精神文明的力量,視覺上青銅和鉚釘、硬邊切割的完美融合。作品選用青銅鑄造,給人一種沉穩厚重之感。強調其時尚的科技線條,造型渾然一體,於渾厚俐落中流露出一派天真,犀牛角指向天際,既象徵西方哥德式建築,又如埃及方尖碑,蘊含著一股雄偉的氣勢,給人以神秘的遐想,似乎在捍衛著正義,藝術家用最古老的生命將雕塑從古典拉到現代,朝向未來。

In Egypt, there is a well-known saying that "everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids." This proverb speaks to the fear that all things have of the passage of time, while highlighting the enduring power of the pyramids.

"The Reappearing King Kong Rhino" sculpture resembles a great pyramid on the outside, but it also embodies the ancient Egyptians' belief in sincerity and immortality. The artist, Li-Jen, draws inspiration from the divine aura of a mysterious creature and reflects on the lasting charm of the Sphinx and the Chinese Sanxingdui relics, both of which are precious remnants of ancient civilizations.

The sculpture aims to inspire positivity and does so through a perfect fusion of bronze material, industrial rivets, and cutting-edge techniques. The bronze material imparts a sense of weight and stability, while the modern and fashionable design strikes a balance with the somber and heavy-handed style.

The rhino's horn pointing skyward is reminiscent of the Egyptian obelisk and Gothic cathedral spires, both of which symbolize grandeur and majesty. This magnificent sculpture intrigues and captivates viewers, prompting them to wonder about its true meaning. As a witness to human history, the rhino came from the past and continues to stride towards the future.

In essence, "The Reappearing King Kong Rhino" is an ode to the power of art to transcend time and connect us to our collective past while guiding us towards a better future.