King Kong Rhino | 金鋼犀牛

The Venice Biennial stands as one of the most significant and distinguished events in the annals of contemporary art. Since its inception in 1895, it has burgeoned into the world's oldest, largest, and most renowned biennial, held once every two years in Venice. This year, Taiwanese artist Li-Jen Shih has had the privilege of being invited by the Netherlands Global Art Affairs Foundation to participate in the Biennial. Mr. Shih's King Kong Rhino will feature in the group exhibition "Personal Structure," curated by Valeria Romagnini and Lucia Pedrana from GAA Foundation.

At the 57th Venice Biennale, artist Li-Jen Shih will showcase his collection, "The Reappearance of King Kong Rhino, Circle of Life." The magnificent artwork "King Kong Rhino" will be located in the Marinaressa Garden by the Rialto Bridge on the Grande Canal, and a series of rhino sculptures will also be displayed at Palazzo Bembo. As authorized by the Venetian Government, Mr. Shih has become the first Chinese artist to feature his artwork in the Venetian public gardens. During the exhibition, Mr. Shih will share his creative insights and engage with the public in a seminar aimed at fostering a deeper connection with the world.

擁有123年歷史的威尼斯雙年展(La Biennale di Venezia),是全球最重要藝術活動之一,與德國卡塞爾文獻展(Kassel Documenta)、巴西聖保羅雙年展(The Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo)並稱世界三大藝術展,其資歷更在三大展覽中排行第一,更是無數藝術家渴望進入的殿堂。歐洲文化中心(European Cultural Centre)之全球藝術事務基金會(GAA Foundation)已連續四年經過威尼斯雙年展委員會認可,成為具官方憑證的國際展覽主辦單位。華人藝術家施力仁(Li-Jen Shih)受基金會之邀,將偕同「金鋼犀牛」等系列作品登陸本屆威尼斯國際美術雙年展。

此次受邀展覽地點Marinaressa公園及本博宮(Palazzo Bembo),施力仁將成為首位由威尼斯政府嚴格評選通過,陳列其大型景觀雕塑於官方公共花園的華人藝術家;承蒙威尼斯政府高規格重視,《金鋼犀牛》將安置於Marinaressa公園,此公園鄰近威尼斯雙年展國家館之綠園城堡區,該區涵蓋三十多個國家館及主題館,其地理位置之重要,是世界各國與會貴賓必訪之聖地。長達888公分的《金鋼犀牛》即將成為第57屆威尼斯雙年展於海岸線上一道最亮麗的風景。

此外;主辦單位於十五世紀本博貴族所創建的本博宮內,將由兩位國際策展人Valeria Romagnini和Lucia Pedrana 所策劃的「個人結構—時間.空間.存在」展覽中呈現「金鋼犀牛 生生不息-施力仁主題展」,並為其安排了兩個獨立展廳,分別呈現不同主題的裝置作品。座落於威尼斯主要幹道大運河上的本博宮,鄰近世界知名里亞托橋(Ponte di Rialto),為歷年雙年展中參觀人次最多的場地之一。