King Kong Rhino | 金鋼犀牛

消光黑鐵雕 880 x 258 x 458cm






Renowned artist Shih Li-Jen's "King Kong Rhino" series represents a fusion of artistry and symbolism. Each sculpture intricately depicts the dynamic relationship between humanity and the natural world, evoking a profound sense of awe and contemplation.

At its core, "King Kong Rhino" embodies the spirit of resilience and adaptation, symbolizing the indomitable strength of both the rhinoceros species and the human spirit. Through these sculptures, Shih Li-Jen pays homage to the majestic presence of the rhino while also exploring broader themes of environmental conservation and the human condition.

In his artistic process, Shih Li-Jen meticulously selects materials to convey his message. The choice of matte black iron carving adds depth and mystery to the sculptures, highlighting their enduring nature and unwavering resolve. Additionally, the incorporation of modern metal rivets and angular structures imbues the pieces with a futuristic quality, representing the rhino's evolution in a changing world.

The transformation of the rhino horn into an upright thumb symbolizes liberation and empowerment, embodying a forward-thinking and proactive approach to life's challenges. Furthermore, the concentric circles resembling fingerprints serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings, fostering a deeper appreciation for the sanctity of life.

Overall, Shih Li-Jen's "King Kong Rhino" series offers viewers a captivating exploration of humanity's relationship with the natural world, inviting them to reflect on the resilience and adaptability inherent in both the animal kingdom and human society.