Diamond Rhino | 鑽石金鋼

語音導覽 不銹鋼電鍍彩色鈦金屬 126 x 41 x74cm  2016

鑽石是經過琢磨的金剛石,是具有宗教色彩的崇拜、畏懼,同時又被視為勇敢、權力、地位和尊貴,而在遠古,犀牛是帝王的象徵,這和鑽石的寓意不謀而合,犀牛角更有「唯我獨尊」之意, 故此,把這只獨特幾何切割造型的犀牛命名為《鑽石金鋼》。與其他《鑽石金鋼》系列相比,此尊犀牛最大的不同在於外部電鍍彩色鈦金屬,高溫之下一層一層電鍍彩色鈦金屬,技術精準之高,失之毫釐差之千里。在造型上,犀角的位置和形狀正好構成一種衝破桎梏的突出感,傲然向上高挑,產生一種向上的精神。

The sculpture "Diamond King Kong" (2016) is a magnificent example of the convergence of art and philosophy. Made of stainless steel and plated with colored titanium, it stands at 126x41x74cm in size, and is imbued with deep symbolism that speaks to the human experience.

At its core, this sculpture is a celebration of diamonds, the polished forms of the precious gemstone that have long been associated with religious worship, fear, bravery, power, status, and prestige. Throughout history, rhinoceroses have been regarded as symbols of royalty, a fitting complement to the symbolism of diamonds. The rhinoceros horn, in particular, has come to represent the idea of uniqueness and incomparability, giving rise to the name "Diamond Kong" for this geometrically unique sculpture.

What truly sets "Diamond King Kong" apart from other sculptures in the series is the intricate process of plating the surface with colored titanium. This precise and complex technique involves layering metal plating at high temperatures, resulting in a stunning external finish that adds to the sculpture's overall visual impact.

In terms of form, the position and shape of the rhinoceros horn in "Diamond King Kong" suggest a sense of breaking free from constraints and embodying a spirit of upward growth. The sculpture stands tall and proud, a testament to the indomitable human spirit and our innate desire to push beyond our limitations.

Ultimately, "Diamond King Kong" serves as a reminder of the enduring power of art to inspire, uplift, and connect us to the deeper mysteries of life. It speaks to the fundamental human need for beauty and meaning, and invites us to contemplate our place in the grand scheme of things.