Diamond Rhino | 鑽石金鋼

語音導覽 青銅 Bronze 126 x 41 x74cm


A raw diamond may go unnoticed when thrown in front of people. However, precise cutting techniques can give it new life and allow it to refract dazzling light. "Diamond King Kong" is created using a sculpture language that features geometric cutting and hard-edged modeling, along with casting techniques such as segmentation and line placement. This not only gives the rhinoceros a second chance at artistic expression but also corresponds to the three essential crafts of diamond cutting: proportions, polishing, and modification.
Looking at Shih Li-Jen's rhinoceros works, one may notice concentric circles resembling "target rings" on the rhinoceros horn. This choice may be due to the rhinoceros horn being both a weapon to protect its life and a vulnerability that contributes to the rhinoceros becoming an endangered species. It is a contradiction of life and death. Therefore, regardless of the rhinoceros' style, the artist intentionally depicts this concentric circle on the rhinoceros horn as a totemic symbol of the animal. .